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Physical Therapy - YOGA THERAPHIST
Author: Therapy Posted under:
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physical therapist
Yoga therapy — one-on-one visits which take place in medical clinics, physical therapist offices and yoga studios — takes into account pain and injuries for a customized experience.
Yoga therapy is nowhere near as popular as one-pose-fits-all classes. Still, in the last three years, membership in the International Association of Yoga Therapists, a trade group based in Prescott, Ariz., has almost tripled to 2,060, from 760.
There is no national credentialing system, and the lack of industry-wide standards worries doctors. “You need some core set of certification that allows a patient to know that they are going to someone from whom they can reliably get appropriate treatment.Just as certain conditions can be helped by extension, flexion, twisting or side bending, they can also be aggravated
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