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Physical Signs
> glazed or red eyes, dilated pupils, blurred vision
> drowsiness or insomnia
> a constantly runny nose
> sweating, dizziness, nausea and vomiting
> lack of appetite
> lack of muscle coordination
> decreased powers of concentration
> track marks on their arms or burns on their hands

Emotional Signs
> restlessness, nervousness and irritability
> anxiety and depression
> lack of enthusiasm or interest
> abrupt changes in personality

Behavioral Signs
> money disappearing inexplicably
> their circle of friends changes
> irresponsible acts
> no interest in personal hygiene
> absences from the work place or center of studies

Other Signs
> Blood stains on the sleeves of their clothes
> Burns on the bed clothes or clothes
> Spoons, lemon rind, pieces of cellophane, syringes, etc. in their bedroom
> Valuable objects disappear.

Heart vs Hot Full Baths

Patients suffering from cardiac insufficiency (heart failure) or circulatory disorders, very common in people with rheumatism, are in danger of collapsing if they take a full hot bath. This is due to the generalized peripheral vasoldilation produced and the increase in hydrostatic pressure on the thorax.

Both these effects of the full hot baths decrease the flow of blood towards the heart and the amount of air in the lungs, which may be counter - productive in the case of people with heart problems.
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