Physical Signs
> glazed or red eyes, dilated pupils, blurred vision
> drowsiness or insomnia
> a constantly runny nose
> sweating, dizziness, nausea and vomiting
> lack of appetite
> lack of muscle coordination
> decreased powers of concentration
> track marks on their arms or burns on their hands

Emotional Signs
> restlessness, nervousness and irritability
> anxiety and depression
> lack of enthusiasm or interest
> abrupt changes in personality

Behavioral Signs
> money disappearing inexplicably
> their circle of friends changes
> irresponsible acts
> no interest in personal hygiene
> absences from the work place or center of studies

Other Signs
> Blood stains on the sleeves of their clothes
> Burns on the bed clothes or clothes
> Spoons, lemon rind, pieces of cellophane, syringes, etc. in their bedroom
> Valuable objects disappear.