(Based on Research)

Normal BP expressed in mm of mercury (Hg)

Age BP

15 years old 110 / 80 mmHg

16 - 30 y.o. 120 / 80 mmHg

31 - 40 y.o. 125 / 85 mmHg

41 - 50 y.o. 130 / 90 mmHg

50 - 60 y.o. 135 / 95 mmHg

Over the age of 60 140 / 95 mmHg

Rest, emotional change and exercise may alter blood pressure temporarily.

Some people who tend to suffer from either high or low pressure constantly, and in this case the body may be undergoing a pathological process that needs to be diagnosed and perhaps treated by a doctor.

The heart pumps blood to the whole body through the arteries, pressurizing the artery walls and exerting a tension that is known as blood pressure.